Monday, October 25, 2010

Vibrant 4 o'clock flowers - seeds, anyone!??

When I was growing up in the sandhills of New Mexico (little town of Corrales - just north of Albuquerque), I remember that my mom grew some 4 o'clock flowers!  I don't remember them being very tall or even how many years we had them... I just remember that I've always wanted to have some of my own. 

A few years back, a friend of mine gave me a few seedlings from her yard.  And, now I have LOTS of these flowers growing and blooming in my garden!  They would take it over - given the opportunity.  However, they have the most beautiful fragrance and I am a sucker for anything that perfumes the air!  So... each year, they populate a new corner of my (already) small backyard garden.
This year, I am harvesting the seeds.  Perhaps that way I will avoid the little seedlings that pop up everywhere in the Spring??  If you are interested in me sending you a handful of the seeds, be sure to let me know.  Send me a comment and let me know if you want some.  You, too, can have these prolific plants growing and blooming and perfuming the air -- in just one season!

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