Friday, February 18, 2011

My goldfinches are back in the garden!

A week or so ago, I had 7 pair of goldfinches at my thistle and black sunflower seed feeders.  I was thrilled to see them.  I love the little juncos who come to my feeders in the winter months and am so sad to see them depart.  I wonder where they spend their summers?  Maybe Wisconsin?!

But, in return, I get these delightful little yellow chevron-backed goldfinches!  A fair trade, I might say!

Hope your feeders are having lots of feathered friends...

Oh!  During our last ice/snow storm, the hawk in the neighborhood came and sat upon my fence.  Most likely overseeing his "menu" of the day, which had mysteriously disappeared into any nearby shrubs, honeysuckle vines leftover or anyplace that didn't attract the hawk's attention! 

Today the temp is 78 degrees in Dallas area!

So, this is weather in Texas, for sure!  Cold as can be two weeks ago and today it is HOT for this time of year!  I am NOT ready for the yucky humidity of the summer months, at all!  I do love to have just a 4-6 week period of "spring" weather -- before the humidity starts creeping back in!

Welcome to 2011!

Well, I had lost track of my email address and password, etc, etc!  So I was not posting during the winter months and during this last few cold, snowy weeks!  I may pull some of those photos and pop them in, just to show you that we REALLY do get snow here in Texas!